• Comfortable

    We spent over a year investigating, collaborating, and verifying our fabrics are the best in the world. We looked to nature to make you feel au nature. You break down Beech trees, pull the fibers, spin the thread and bam-  comforting support that keeps you cool, calm and collected all night long.

  • Intentional

    Hundreds of hours of staring at, studying and thinking about how to best support you. Thats how much we care about your comfort. Soft and roomy for your 🍌 cooling and support for the boys.

  • Functional

    Our hammocks aren't just cool looking and soft. We built them with real life in mind. The fabrics on the inside are chosen for you, the fabrics on the outside are chosen to keep you looking your best, no matter where you choose to wear your pajamas.

Shorts Breakdown


The hammock, or Banana Cabana as we like to call it, isn't meant to hold your stuff like you're packing grandma's china up for a cross country move. It's just that: a hammock.

Something you can drop into and jump out of. Enough to stop you from swinging all over the place but plenty of room to still catch a breeze.

Keep in mind this hammock is usually just going to house the banana, and not the coconuts.


The liner is focused on two things, giving you plenty of room, and not riding on up on you when you get up from sitting or laying down.

Its luxuriously soft and stretchy to make almost any thigh fit and won't bind or twist like boxers when you're sleeping.

Once you only have one thing to slide on and off, you'll never go back.


Our team spared not effort in making sure the fabric against your skin would be the most comfortable fabric this planet had to offer.

Made up of fibers from Beech trees, our fabric gets softer with every wash. We take the
organic fibers and soak them, pull them apart to dry, and spin them together leaving us with a fabric that has the right amount of bounce and elasticity.

These fabrics have a low reactivity on sensitive skin and did we mention we added cooling and anti-bacterial properties to them as well?

Yeah, its pretty much the best fabric on the planet, and we know you will be able to feel the difference.


We spent an unbelievable amount of time on the waistband. You wouldn't think its that important but turns out it is. The physics behind elastic structures is more complex than we remembered from the 11th grade.

Getting the exterior to lay flat and not bunch up, while making sure that it offers enough strength to not sag with a phone in your pocket, but not so tight as to leave impressions on your skin is a very fine line.

We think we nailed it using the forever fabric that is polyester, but if you have any thoughts, comments, concerns, praises, or emotions about our waistband, feel free to reach out to us on our contact page!